As a kung fu Sifu, you get asked a lot of strange questions.  Sometimes I think students have really vivid imaginations of what we Sifu’s do at home.  Hours of meditation while levitating, eating dinner in a horse stance with full tea cups on our legs…

So when I was asked if I was eating rose petals, it didn’t really phase me.  This isn’t the strangest question I’ve been asked, but I did find it amusing.  I like ‘bad’ snacks just as much as the next person, however I do try to eat healthy 80% of the time. The best way to keep cravings and snacking under control is to have healthy snacks nearby.

I do not eat rose petals.  However, I do eat dehydrated strawberries, which in all fairness do look a lot like rose petals.  I do believe you can buy them, but they are quite pricey!  So naturally, I make my own.  It really isn’t that difficult though, I promise!  You need a dehydrator, and it does help to have 2 handy tools: a strawberry huller and a strawberry slicer.  The tools are not necessary, but helps the process go much faster.  I also like to utilize child labor whenever possible and have an assembly line of kids doing this for me.  Unfortunately, I don’t always have them around to do it, so yesterday I had to do it myself.  Can you believe it?


Dehydrated Strawberries

1. Start with delicious fresh strawberries!

2. Remove the stems and slice. If you don’t have these nifty tools, use a knife.

3. Dehydrate at 115 degrees for about 12 hours.  I use an Excalibur Dehydrator, but any should do the trick!

12 hours later…you will have to peel off the strawberries.  Every time I do this I think about the wallpaper from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  I have no idea why.

Enjoy your rose petals! 😉

They stay fresh for a long time because it is dehydrated, but you will eat them up in no time.

Did you try this? Questions? Thoughts? Let me know! Just keep the comments cool and clean. Critical is ok, but rude is not! Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation!

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