Greg Rucka

163. Greg Rucka on Lazarus and the world today

Greg Rucka and I are back discussing everything from the protests around the nation to the world of his comic Lazarus.  Not surprisingly, there are a lot of parallels between the comic and the problems we are experiencing in the world today.

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Wah Lum kneels

Wah Lum kneels for equality and justice

Grandmaster Chan made the decision to escape his birth country and venture into an unknown world against all odds.  He like many, believed America would offer freedom, equality, and a home where dreams could come true for all people; despite their race.

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Empathy to racism

160. Empathy to understand racism

I’ve been saddened by the events surrounding the murder of George Floyd.  I have had past episodes on this podcast on law enforcement and black lives matter.  I’ve also had discussions with law enforcement leaders on how we can bridge the gap between community and law enforcement.

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Coach Dan John

158. Dan John on honoring ancestors and mortality

Dan John is a strength coach and mentor to many in the fitness world. I am so fortunate that he we have been on a journey together exploring the philosophies of The Sword in the Stone.  Although this book was written in 1938, the lessons I’ve taken away from the book are equally important today.

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Mike Mignola

156. Mike Mignola on sketching for charity and life during covid19

Mike Mignola has raised almost $100,000* for Chef Jose Andres’ World Central Kitchen, an organization that is providing meals to communities in need across America.  What started out as fun sketches to keep busy, quickly turned into an online auction.  He has been sketching everything from Sponge Bob SquarePants to plant headed monsters.

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