332. Gene Ha on his AAPI experience

Gene Ha is becoming a regular on the show! For AAPI Heritage Month, I wanted to share conversations with Asian Americans about their experience growing up in the US. Gene was kind of enough to share his childhood memories growing up in South Bend, Indiana.

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Brett Jones

275. Brett Jones on education, quotes and writing

I love welcoming back awesome recurring guests like SFG Chief Brett Jones. As usual, our conversation covers a lot of different topics. We discuss everything from AI to writer’s block.

Brett is currently in the process of writing a book and shares where he finds inspiration and motivation. It wouldn’t be a podcast episode without discussing tv shows and in this episode, we dissect one of our favorites, Battlestar Galactica.

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Hiep Dang

28. Hiep Dang on Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and The Matrix

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It’s time to geek out … no this is not a comic book episode. You don’t have to be a computer or tech geek to tune in. Anyone who uses a computer or smart phone should listen to this chat with cybersecurity expert Hiep Dang.  How can you better protect yourself from hackers or  computer viruses? What are the most common threats? How does this all fit into The Matrix?  Hiep answers all of these questions in today’s podcast about cyberthreats and cybersecurity.

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