Brian Michael Bendis

302. Brian Michael Bendis on creating new worlds and characters

I had so much fun catching up with comics creator Brian Michael Bendis. His newest comic book with artist André Lima Araújo, Phenomena, is a gorgeous fantasy adventure series which just hit shelves on September 14, 2022. Brian shares his inspiration for the series as well as his excitement and fears when creating new worlds and characters.

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Coach Dan John

135. Dan John on education and fitness

My recurring guest Dan John has taken me on this incredible journey through T.H. White’s The Once and Future King, or The Sword in the Stone. In previous episodes with Dan, we discuss everything from fitness philosophy to musicals.

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Brett Jones

109. Brett Jones on stoicism, leadership, and fitness as we age

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Today, I welcome back SFG Chief, Brett Jones. Last time I had Brett on Culture Chat we discussed his journey through the fitness industry. Today, we chat about Games of Throne and Avengers: End Game. Yes, you heard that right. As this was recorded the day after Episode 3 – The Long Night, you may want to pause and save this episode for any potential spoiler alerts.

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76. Comic book geek out with the pros

Live from Paper Asylum! I’m always psyched to visit my favorite comic book and novelty store in Beverly, MA. However, this visit was even more exciting because we did a live recording at the store!

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