Matt Fraction

132. Matt Fraction on writing comics, hard work, and empathy

If you look up Matt Fraction, you will find a bio that sounds a little like this: Matt Fraction writer of: (writer): SEX CRIMINALS (Image), Jimmy Olsen (DC), CASANOVA (Image), HAWKEYE (Marvel), and NOVEMBER (Image) writes comic books out in the woods and lives with his wife, the writer Kelly Sue DeConnick, his two children, two dogs, a cat, a bearded dragon, and a yard full of coyotes and stags. Surely there is a metaphor there.

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Sheriff Jerry Demings

73. Sheriff Jerry Demings on his vision as Orange County Mayor

Today I talk with Sheriff Jerry Demings on his vision for Orlando as he runs for Orange County Mayor.  I appreciated his thoughts on immigration, diversity, sustainability, and affordable housing.  As you know, I have been a little politically charged of late.  I feel it is our job to demand more of our public officials and I am hopeful that the changes and policies that Sheriff Demings envisions will become a reality for us here in Orange County, Florida.  I encourage you to listen openly and leave a comment.  No matter what, register to vote and be involved! I endorse Sheriff Demings for Mayor and hope after hearing his vision for Orange County, you will too.

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