Brett Jones

109. Brett Jones on stoicism, leadership, and fitness as we age

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Today, I welcome back SFG Chief, Brett Jones. Last time I had Brett on Culture Chat we discussed his journey through the fitness industry. Today, we chat about Games of Throne and Avengers: End Game. Yes, you heard that right. As this was recorded the day after Episode 3 – The Long Night, you may want to pause and save this episode for any potential spoiler alerts.

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33. Alex Hernandez on space opera, biopunk, and the family genealogy

September 15 marks that start of National Hispanic heritage month, and I was happy to chat with Alex Hernandez, a Cuban-American science fiction writer based in South Florida. He blends the sub genres of space opera and biopunk into his stories. Many of his books often themes of migration due to his family history with immigrating from Cuba. We discuss his heritage, genealogy, and how his life influences his work. Don’t think you are a fan of the genre? Once I learned what it was, I was surprised to learn that I like space opera and biopunktoo, being a fan of Star Wars, Cowboy Bebop, and Orphan Black.

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The San Diego Comic Con episode

25. The San Diego Comic Con episode

It’s San Diego Comic Con week!  In honor of this convention, I sit down with my occasional co-host Oscar, as well as other special guests to chat all things Comic Con.  One of the guests is author and film critic Ric Meyers, known as the kung fu guy!  He was a  long-term columnist for Inside Kung Fu and Asian Cult Cinema magazines, and has consulted on numerous films, including one of my favorites, Kung Fu Panda.  I sit down to talk with Ric about his 20th Kung Fu Extravaganza at San Diego Comic Con.  Another guest is Lei Ann Resurreccion, who is a lover of cosplay.  Lei Ann chats costumes and cosplay fun with me as we both plan on being at Comic Con next year!

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