Derek Johnson

ICYMI 164. Retired Police Lieutenant Derek Johnson on breaking down the blue wall

Derek Johnson is a retired police lieutenant that has extensive training and certifications involving Lethal Force Investigations.  Derek has served as a marine and held many law enforcement positions including: Community Resource Officer, Violent Crimes Detective, Supervisor in the Narcotics Division, Federal Drug Task Force Patrol Division, and Detective Sergeant of Internal Affairs.

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Derek Johnson

164. Retired Police Lieutenant Derek Johnson on breaking down the blue wall

Derek Johnson is a retired police lieutenant that has extensive training and certifications involving Lethal Force Investigations.  Derek has served as a marine and held many law enforcement positions including: Community Resource Officer, Violent Crimes Detective, Supervisor in the Narcotics Division, Federal Drug Task Force Patrol Division, and Detective Sergeant of Internal Affairs.

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Chief Rolon

117. Chief Rolón on City of Orlando, immigration and community

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My guest today is Chief Rolón. My father, Grandmaster Chan, was also excited to host him at the Wah Lum Temple and Culture Center. It was his first visit to our location, and we were honored to share a part of our history and culture with him.

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Sheriff Jerry Demings

73. Sheriff Jerry Demings on his vision as Orange County Mayor

Today I talk with Sheriff Jerry Demings on his vision for Orlando as he runs for Orange County Mayor.  I appreciated his thoughts on immigration, diversity, sustainability, and affordable housing.  As you know, I have been a little politically charged of late.  I feel it is our job to demand more of our public officials and I am hopeful that the changes and policies that Sheriff Demings envisions will become a reality for us here in Orange County, Florida.  I encourage you to listen openly and leave a comment.  No matter what, register to vote and be involved! I endorse Sheriff Demings for Mayor and hope after hearing his vision for Orange County, you will too.

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Derek Johnson

62. Derek Johnson on unconscious bias

I sit down with Derek Johnson who was a previous guest on the podcast.  Last time we spoke about the divide between the public and law enforcement agencies.  Today we discuss the hot topic of unconscious bias and how it relates to law enforcement officers.  We delve into recent shootings and his take on arming teachers in school. I also couldn’t talk about these hot topic issues without comparing it to one of my favorite shows, HBO’s The Wire.

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derek johnson

39. Derek Johnson on law enforcement

Sifu Derek Johnson is a kung fu instructor of the Jow Ga system, former marine, and retired law enforcement officer.  For over 25 years, he served in numerous law enforcement specialties.  He was assigned to many agencies in Washington D.C. and Baltimore, such as: violent crimes, undercover narcotics, community outreach, leadership as a Patrol Commander, internal affairs, and worked with the DEA and FBI departments.  I have been outraged for the families that have lost loved ones to senseless shootings, and wonder why is this happening?  Do officers need more training or stricter screening and guidelines?  What is the problem?  Derek sheds light on the training many law enforcement officers receive and what can be going through their minds in these high stakes situations.  He also shares my frustration, and speaks openly as both a black American and a law enforcement officer on the Black Lives Matter movement.  I strongly believe in the movement and was grateful that Derek was so open with me on this sensitive subject.  I also wanted to understand the protocol for officers in aggressive situations, and what we can do to help change the perception of law enforcement officers in the community.

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