Jessi Fisher

119. Jessi Fisher, stunt double

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I had the pleasure of speaking with stunt woman Jessi Fisher, who recently doubled Linda Hamilton for Terminator: Dark Fate. We discuss her journey as a performer from Cirque du Soleil to working in Hollywood. We also candidly speak about the challenges that face women in the stunt industry. I enjoyed my conversation with Jessi, as it brought back memories of my good old stunt days! Today I live vicariously through incredible stunt performers like Jessi.

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International Women's Day

100. Mimi on International Women’s Day

Is there a song or something for this? Either way, I am excited to be celebrating my 100th episode in conjunction with International Women’s Day What is feminism? An evil plot by females to take over the world? The use of dark magic to persecute all males who will not bend to the commands of the superior sex? Sounds absurd?

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68. Lisa Santoni Cromar on Domestic Abuse

I had an engaging chat with Lisa Santoni Cromar about her work in public service, like the Women’s March and domestic violence advocacy.   I love meeting women who take action, and Lisa certainly is a woman of action.

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54. Survivors helping ISIS survivors

I had the pleasure of sitting down with director Kristen Blalock and associate producer Mickie Garcia to discuss their film in the making: Survivor in White.  I was grateful they reached out to me about their all female crew that is venturing to Iraqi Kurdistan to share the stories of women who are victims of sexual assault. The all female crew is not just in place to sport #girlpower, but is an important factor in their access to the survivors without re-victimizing them in any manner.

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