Iron Tamer Dave Whitley

121. Iron Tamer Dave Whitley on bending steel

Iron Tamer Dave Whitley is a motivational speaker and strongman based in Nashville, TN. Dave combines incredible feats of strength and a powerful message to inspire and motivate audiences. He performs astounding feats of strength such as: bending steel wrenches, ripping decks of cards and driving a nail through a board with his hand. The feats he performs are used as an illustration of the mindset needed to accomplish the impossible. His purpose is to inspire the audience to leave their limitations behind and become the SUPERHUMAN version of themselves. Dave is the author of the book Superhuman YOU and the Vice President of Dennis Rogers’ Oldtime Strongman University. We discuss his feats of strength, his work method as well as his martial arts background.

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Jonathan Marrs

105. Jonathan Marrs on indie filmmaking

Today I chat with documentary filmmaker and photographer, Jonathan Marrs.  Over the years, his journeys throughout the world have solidified his interest in photography and filmmaking. In particular, his trips to Nepal and Thailand throughout his twenties taught him the influence of images and stories on worldviews.  We discuss these in depth as well as the lens through which he sees the world today.

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International Women's Day

100. Mimi on International Women’s Day

Is there a song or something for this? Either way, I am excited to be celebrating my 100th episode in conjunction with International Women’s Day What is feminism? An evil plot by females to take over the world? The use of dark magic to persecute all males who will not bend to the commands of the superior sex? Sounds absurd?

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Reflections on China Tour

89. Reflections on the 2018 China Tour

I already blogged about the China tour, but O and I sit down to chat in more depth about the experiences and events of the trip.  Listen on to hear about the adventures and what the trip meant to me.

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