Greg Rucka

126. Greg Rucka on comics, politics, and social media

As many of you know, I love comic books. One of my favorites is Lazarus by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark.  I met Greg at San Diego Comic Con, You can imagine my excitement when Greg invited me to interview him in Portland at his home. I met his lovely wife Jen, and his dog Marlowe, who makes a few cameos in this interview on my youtube channel.

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Gene Ha Eisner

123. Gene Ha, Eisner award winner, on comics, art and geeking out

Gene Ha is a NY Times bestselling comic book artist and Eisner Award winner, which is the highest award in American comics. Today I speak with Gene about his journey as an artist, and also about his newest creation, Mae. I enjoyed reading about the world he creates in this sci-fi action-adventure story! It has girl power, epic battles, and even monsters. Some of Gene’s art includes work in the DC and Marvel Universe, Fables, and Alan Moore’s Top 10. I enjoyed my conversation with Gene today, especially after meeting him at San Diego Comic-Con!

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San Diego Comic Son

114. I’m headed to San Diego Comic Con

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Today, on the show I talk about an exciting event that is coming up next week, San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC). SDCC is the mecca of all comic con! I was so excited when they chose my panel (Cosplayers, Ready your Swords!) that I pitched to them to be part of the 50th anniversary of SDCC. Make sure you check out the schedule for my panel. We’ll be doing some meet and greets, autographs and more. Or just stop in a say hello!

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The San Diego Comic Con episode

25. The San Diego Comic Con episode

It’s San Diego Comic Con week!  In honor of this convention, I sit down with my occasional co-host Oscar, as well as other special guests to chat all things Comic Con.  One of the guests is author and film critic Ric Meyers, known as the kung fu guy!  He was a  long-term columnist for Inside Kung Fu and Asian Cult Cinema magazines, and has consulted on numerous films, including one of my favorites, Kung Fu Panda.  I sit down to talk with Ric about his 20th Kung Fu Extravaganza at San Diego Comic Con.  Another guest is Lei Ann Resurreccion, who is a lover of cosplay.  Lei Ann chats costumes and cosplay fun with me as we both plan on being at Comic Con next year!

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