The Year of the Rat is the first zodiac sign in the Chinese zodiac cycle. According to the Chinese zodiac story, in the competition held by the Jade Emperor to decide the zodiac animals, the quick-witted rat asked the diligent ox to take him on a ride to cross the river and jumped down before the ox crossed the finish line, so the rat won the race and became the first of the zodiac animals.
Read more200. Wah Lum Kung Fu of USA 50th Anniversary
2020 is a milestone year for Wah Lum Kung Fu of USA. It has been 50 years since my father began his teachings in America. This is also the 40th anniversary of the Wah Lum Temple in Orlando, Florida.
Read more184. What does it mean to be a kung fu sifu?
What is the meaning of the word Sifu or Shifu? Kung fu practitioners around the world have used this term to describe their teachers, but what does it truly mean to be a kung fu sifu?
Read more116. San Diego Comic Con
Please note the blog and podcast are different! This week’s podcast is a wrap-up session with Oscar Agramonte, where we discuss all things SDCC and our experiences on the panel and at the con. Tune in! I just got back from the whirlwind that is San Diego Comic-Con.
Read more114. I’m headed to San Diego Comic Con
Today, on the show I talk about an exciting event that is coming up next week, San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC). SDCC is the mecca of all comic con! I was so excited when they chose my panel (Cosplayers, Ready your Swords!) that I pitched to them to be part of the 50th anniversary of SDCC. Make sure you check out the schedule for my panel. We’ll be doing some meet and greets, autographs and more. Or just stop in a say hello!
Read more89. Reflections on the 2018 China Tour
I already blogged about the China tour, but O and I sit down to chat in more depth about the experiences and events of the trip. Listen on to hear about the adventures and what the trip meant to me.
Read more53. Chinese New Year Wrap Up
Happy New Year! After a week of celebrations, I am exhausted and happy to be finished with most of our shows. This year, we welcomed the Year of the Dog. While most of Asia takes a week long vacation for the Lunar New Year, Wah Lum works over time. Oscar and I sit down to discuss the ins and outs of Chinese New Year celebrations, Wah Lum Style. We recorded this episode on Facebook LIVE, so we apologize if we are jumping around a bit in this episode. We enjoyed interacting with our audience as we answered listener questions and reacted to comments that were being posted throughout the podcast.
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