350. Machu Picchu, aliens and stream of consciousness

Oscar and I have just returned from Machu Picchu and share some highlights of the trip. Plus, more of Oscar asks me anything where we delve into the philosophy of excellence versus consistency, the Barbie movie, and more!

I always love these conversations with Oscar and for those that tune into YouTube we have now decided to stretch and work on mobility while conversing in case you are interested in watching us online.

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321. My birthday, AAPI history bill and advocacy

My birthday, AAPI history bill and advocacy

Happy birthday to me! In time for Lunar New Year, HB 287 and SB 294 were filed in Florida on January 19, 2023. I’ve been working on this bill for almost 2 years now. It’s been a process.

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319. Sifu Mimi Chan is back for 2023

Happy New Year! It’s already mid January. WOW.

I planned on recording a podcast in December and then I came down with a horrible sinus allergy attack that put me out for over three weeks. Listen on for the saga that is my health for the past 2 months.

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albert tam

311. Best of: Albert Tam on life in the US Secret Service

It’s not every day you get the chance to speak with a United States Secret Service agent. Albert Tam recently retired from his twenty-five year law enforcement career as the Supervisory Special Agent for the Secret Service’s Office of Intergovernmental and Legislative Affairs.

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sifu mimi on stick

300. Sifu Mimi Chan on Chinese Kung Fu Weapons: Stick

In this episode I discuss the history and philosophy behind one of the most ancient Chinese kung fu weapons, the stick or staff. If you decide to join me on YouTube, you’ll see some of the visuals that go along with the episode, but not to worry loyal podcast listeners, video is not necessary.

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