Sifu Mimi Chan

291. Sifu Mimi Chan on Chinese martial arts lineage and kung fu masters

Another solo podcast on lineage, kung fu masters and women in Chinese martial arts. I get a lot of questions regarding my expertise in kung fu and decided to answer them on my show. For those of you who do not do martial arts, the episode goes beyond just martial arts. Understanding our history and lineage is important for all of us and hopefully you will enjoy the listen!

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Human blindspots

281. AAPI Heritage Month

It’s AAPI Heritage Month!
In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage month, I’d like to kick things off with a conversation about what this month means to me and how I intend to celebrate.

Instead of recording a solo podcast, I thought I’d have a chat with my favorite human, Oscar. We discuss the importance of AAPI heritage month and mental health awareness month.

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Albert Tam

276. Albert Tam on life in the United States Secret Service

It’s not every day you get the chance to speak with a United States Secret Service agent. Albert Tam recently retired from his twenty-five-year law enforcement career as the Supervisory Special Agent for the Secret Service’s Office of Intergovernmental and Legislative Affairs.

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Lunar New Year

268. A Lunar New Year Hodgepodge

Celebrate the Year of the Tiger with us on our hodgepodge Lunar New Year episode. Oscar and I discuss Lunar New Year and our Wah Lum traditions. We also discuss how we are evolving as humans, covid19, drunk driving, philosophy, and resolutions.

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What makes a Good Kung Fu practitioner

ICYMI Episode 223. How to improve your martial arts training

I usually take a short break the last couple of weeks of the year, but I had so many wonderful guests lined up we decided to keep going! Instead, I am taking the first couple of weeks in January to reset and hope you revisit this conversation with Oscar and I as we discuss how to improve your martial arts training. These principles can be applied to any sport or exercise program. As it is the start of the New Year, hope you find some of these tips useful and helpful.

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What makes a Good Kung Fu practitioner

223. Improving your martial arts training

What does it take to be successful in martial arts or fitness? How do you improve your martial arts or training regiment? Oscar Agramonte and I sit down to discuss the philosophy and actions that have helped us in our kung fu and fitness journeys.

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International Women's Day

213. ICYMI Best of: What does it mean to be a kung fu sifu?

What is the meaning of the word Sifu or Shifu? Kung fu practitioners around the world have used this term to describe their teachers, but what does it truly mean to be a kung fu sifu?

Oscar Agramonte and I have a conversation about what the word ‘Sifu’ means to us and how it relates to our Wah Lum Kung Fu System.

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Dr. Yang Jwing Ming

208. Dr. Yang Jwing Ming on tai chi chuan

Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming has written more than 30 books and 50 instructional videos on Chinese Martial Arts. He has taught thousands of seminars worldwide, and was voted by Inside Kung Fu magazine as One of the ten people who have made the greatest impact on martial arts in the last 100 years.

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